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Orthopedic Products

The orthopedic products can be used for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, sports injuries, and back pain. The common orthopedic products we have in stock include; neck, shoulder, elbow, leg, knee and ankle supports and braces, orthotics, traction devices, cold and heat therapy products and more.

Orthopedic Products

Orthopedic products are items designed to aid in the prevention or treatment of musculoskeletal injuries and conditions. These products are used by patients, athletes, and medical professionals to help alleviate pain, support joints, and aid in rehabilitation.

Some common orthopedic products we offer include:

Braces and supports: These devices are worn to support joints, reduce pain, and promote healing. Examples include knee braces, ankle supports, and back braces.

Orthotics: These are inserts or devices that are placed inside shoes to correct foot and ankle problems. Examples include arch supports and heel cups.

Traction devices: These are devices that gently pull on the spine to relieve pressure on the vertebrae. Examples include cervical traction devices and lumbar traction devices.

Cold therapy products: These products are designed to reduce inflammation and relieve pain by applying cold to the affected area. Examples include ice packs and cold therapy wraps.

Heat therapy products: These products are designed to improve circulation and promote healing by applying heat to the affected area. Examples include heating pads and hot water bottles.

Orthopedic products can be used for a variety of conditions, including arthritis, sports injuries, and back pain. They are often recommended by healthcare professionals as part of a treatment plan for these conditions.

Store Locations and Contact Information

Health Aid Medical - Tampa

4502 N Armenia Ave, Tampa, FL 33603

Phone: (813) 879-7552

Toll Free: (800) 835-8513

Fax: (813) 876-2621


Hours: M - F 9am - 5pm Saturday 9am - 12pm

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Health Aid Medical - Largo

1156 Jasper Street, Largo, FL 33770

Phone: (727) 586-2995

Toll Free: (800) 831-9099

Fax: (727) 588-0899


Hours: M - F 9am - 5pm

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